Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New post up on Abomunist America about current U.S.-Pakistan relations.

-the ambassador

Friday, September 18, 2009

New post from a couple days back on The Homefront - called "Mass Apathy," it's about some of the implications of a recent Pew survey.

-the ambassador

Thursday, September 3, 2009

For some musings on history and ideology, check out the Outlaw Politics page.

-the ambassador

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Just letting anyone out there in cyberland who may have stumbled across this (accidentally or otherwise) that I've recently - yesterday - moved to Portland, ME, and am subject to rather spotty internet access. As a result, it may be a little while before I get the chance to put up a real post. Anywho, keep an eye out and I'll be doing my best to keep it current.

-the ambassador

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Another follow-up, this one to "Coups for Breakfast," is up on the Abomunist America page.

-the ambassador

Friday, July 31, 2009

Check out "Masks and Markets" on the Outlaw Politics page, it's something of a follow-up to the previous post, "The Education of Capital."

-the ambassador

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New post, "Blue Dog Benefits," on The Homefront - it concerns the health care squabble on the Hill, some of its contributing factors, possible consequence, etc.

-the ambassador

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New post on Abomunist America regarding American-African relations . . .

-the ambassador

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just put up a new post in Abomunist America (the first on foreign policy) about the current situation in Honduras.

-the ambassador

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Earlier this morning I put up a post in Outlaw Politics, and last night a poem in the Surrational Rhetoric section.

I know it's been a long long time again since our last bout of posting - but there'll be a little more consistency from now on. I'll be putting a poem up a least once a week, and commenting on something or thinking aloud (electronically speaking) every two weeks or so, if not more often.

For now, be green and be peace.
-the ambassador

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I have put up a new post in Outlaw Politics, it basically skipped most of my internsal thoughts that I had initially said were going to be put up in a Cartisian style of pretending I know nothing and finding out from there where I can go. Perhaps I will pick up that some other time.

However, I am thinking that I might expand on this idea of "anthropocentric holism" based on some of the thoughts put forward by the ambassador in his lastest post on Outlaw Politics.

Also check Surrational Rhetoric for more poems in the next few days.

-the colonel

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New post up on the Homefront page, called "Superstition, Law, and Symbolics," about a problem I (and many others) perceived in the Bush administration. I also explicate some of the consequences of that problem. At any rate, check it out.

-the ambassador

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I have put up my first thoughts on Environmental Ethics in Outlaw Politics...it was kind of a flushing out of thoughts...anyway, more will come.
-the colonel

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just posted on the Surrational Rhetoric page, a piece of my brain's thoughts on poetry called Situation!Location!Temptation! It's most likely a load of bollocks, so . . . enjoy.

-the ambassador

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Environmental Ethics

It's been far too long since either the ambassador or myself have posted much of anything, aside from a couple poems, and I think this is for a few reasons. First, we are lazy. Second, such musing cannot be rushed and we must take our time and wait for that particular muse to infiltrate our mind. The muse must be one that will generate discussion and perhaps even opposing views. It takes time for these things to mature fully.

I have been struck by such an idea just today while reading For People and the Planet: Holism and Humanism in Environmental Ethics by Don E. Marietta, Jr.

It seems to me that we have an "environmental ethic" out there, somewhere, floating through society and our consciousness. However, it also seems that we do not really understand it and do not necessarily care too much about it. Our lack of interest on this topic is not because we want to see the planet waste away or that we do not care about future generations or the other forms of life dwelling among us. The reason we have not embraced some kind of ethic concerning the natural world is that we get it confused with our moral duty to other humans, we try to take on the new ideas of preserving the environment while gripping too tightly to the ethics we already have in place, which are, as Marietta calls it, atomistic - or seeing everything as individual atoms instead of as a functioning whole system.

This does not have to be so. To show what I mean I am going to attempt a kind of Cartesian form of skeptical argument. I am not going to prove that I know nothing other than I and some supreme being exist, instead I am going to throw all my current knowledge of ethics and morals to the wind and start anew. I will attempt to formulate a working set of principles that will take into consideration the implications our actions have on the entire ecosystem.

This is a daunting task and I ask that you have patience, as I am still reading on the subject and my views may change as I work through this project. It will be long and will require a series of many posts. I encourage comments and arguments as you feel appropriate.

From now on, the posts will be under the "Outlaw Politics" section of the blog, as I may feel the need to discuss policy.

-the colonel

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's been quite some time since either the colonel or I posted anything up here, and by way of an excuse I'll tell you why: we're fuckin' lazy. So that's that.

More seriously, we've both been on break from our respective schools for the past month (excluding the last two weeks, over which we really were just being lazy) and so we decided to take a vacation from the blog as well.

We should have some posts up soon, though, so keep an eye out. There's a new poem over at the Surrational Rhetoric page to tide you over until we put some posts up on the other pages.

A belated merry jolly-days and all that jazz,
the ambassador